Monday, March 25, 2013

I am Supermom

Hello, my Lovelies! Today, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Come closer. Just a bit closer... Too close. Are you ready for my secret? OK then. My secret is: I am Supermom. My powers are the ability to know what has been gotten into and by whom with a single sound; The ability to smell a poopy diaper from two rooms away, and of course the power to kiss a boo-boo and make it better. My greatest power of all is the ability to think outside of the box.

I will dazzle, amaze and mystify! Just when you think I've thought of everything, *BAM!* I think of something completely unexpected, that will knock your socks off and rock your world. Take the "Magnet" experience for one. It all happened so quickly, that my friend who was watching had no clue what was going on. I still hear about how my figuring out that the Princess wanted a magnet was just such an amazing feat that they themselves would have never figured it out.

To me, this is everyday life. On a daily basis, at least twice per day, we have mini-meltdowns like that one. I call them 'mini' because if caught quickly enough, they turn into nothing more than a whine and a giggle and running away. If I can't figure out what is behind the tears in a timely enough fashion, it turns into something much bigger. It could be anything. When I say anything, I mean ANYTHING. She has a fascination with two's. One for each hand. Now what goes in the hands, that varies. Some days, it's a wooden block in each hand. Others, it's magnets. My favorite is a wooden block in one hand and a teething binky in the other. She's hooked on that combination, as of lately.

The point here is that I know my Princess. I follow her eye line when she's obviously upset and looking for something. In the middle of the night, if she's freaking out and looking for something in the dark, I run a mental checklist of everything she attached herself to that day, so I can help her find it. Sometimes I am successful. Other times, it seems that I am bringing her things just to bring her something and proving to her and myself that I am bumbling through it like any other parent.

I've got one more secret for you though. You have super powers too. I truly think each of us as parents, guardians, mentors and friends to children both with and without special needs all have super powers. We each and every one of us knows our perspective Princes and Princesses. We know their likes and their dislikes; we know what their attached to these days, and what was so five days ago. Some of them can tell you what they want, and you can still read between the lines to what that really means. Others, like my Princess, cannot communicate verbally, so it's up to us Super Parents to figure it out. Can you do me a favor? Don't tell my secret. I won't tell yours.

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