Monday, March 18, 2013

What's in a Name?

Hello, my lovelies. Welcome to the land of Magnets & Applesauce. A world where nothing makes sense, yet everything does. A world where outside of the box thinking is the only way of thinking. A world of magic and rainbows and ponies. OK, not really. Truly, it's the world of one Stay at Home Mommy-Queen of two beauties. My Princess (3), and my Prince (1.5).  They are the loves of my life; and My Princess has autism, while my Prince is typically developing.

I know a lot of you out there are thinking "Why, 'Magnets & Applesauce'?" To answer that in the most simplistic and basic way: because it's so random that it describes my life to the letter. While that's an accurate statement, it's a very boring one. Definitely not worth a full post on a blog. So instead, let me tell you the story of how "Magnets & Applesauce" came to be.

We've been battling the thing that I call a "Cold-beast"  for quite some time in my household. The reason I named it such is because every time we think we've gotten rid of it-- for weeks, I might add-- it came back with a beastly vengeance. This was my third battle with the dreaded cold-beast; my son was stuffy and a snot factory, that of course leaves chewing of any kind in the dust-- with the exception of sleeves, bottles and of course, Mommy.-- so he had been on a soft food diet for a couple of days. This particular breakfast time was applesauce. So far, it had been a fairly successful mealtime. By successful, I mean messy as all get out and it was everywhere, but at least he was eating. Between each bite, at any sign of a runny nose, he was wiping his nose with his sleeve. Thus getting applesauce all over himself. Apparently, at that moment, his eyes became itchy and watery. Guess what happens when you wipe your applesauce covered face then move to your eyes? Yep. Applesauce travels. And it burns. After several tear-filled minutes, disaster averted. Our eyes are applesauce free!

Fast forward, if you will, to a few minutes later. Applesauce crisis resolved, and little dude is happily playing in the living room. In comes my little lady, who makes it clear in her own way that she wants a cup of milk. Grab her sippy cup-- you know, the only one she will drink from-- wash it, and proceed to make her drink. As I put the milk away, she's standing on the other side of the baby gate, which happens to be next to the refrigerator. When I close the door, out of nowhere, she runs away crying like I have just taken her favorite lovey from her. Seeing as how she is non-verbal, I have to quickly asses the situation to figure out what could have caused this eruption; preferably before it turns into a meltdown of epic proportions. I notice in one hand she is holding a magnet. Duh! Why didn't I realize? I re-open the refrigerator door wide enough she can reach. I watch as she runs up smiling, while she makes her selection, I say "I'm sorry I closed the door too soon." She runs off, excited about the results of her "shopping trip"-- as we fondly call these moments in our home-- to play.

Of course all of this happens within the same 5 minute span. With a witness, no less! Our friend, who had been watching up until this point-- and trying to contain the giggles-- just burst out laughing. I lost all of my composure at that moment, and couldn't help but giggle a bit myself. I look at my friend once the laughter had subsided, and said "My children..."
"Magnets and applesauce," he replied.
Well, that has a ring to it, now doesn't it? Magnets and Applesauce...

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