Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Covered in Chapstick.

Hello there, my Lovelies. I hope life is going smoothly out there for you. If it's not, maybe a good story to take your mind off of it will help. Remember how I mentioned that we've been dealing with the "Cold-Beast"? It seems that the Princess is cursed with the same curse I am when it comes to these things. When she becomes a mouth-breather, she gets some very unfortunately painful looking chapped lips.

Not an issue for most. The thing with her is that her biggest red-zone is her mouth. Nothing, and I do mean NOTHING that she doesn't want in her mouth goes in without a fight. This is including, but not limited to: food, toothbrush and under no circumstances, medicine. So as you can imagine, anything that comes towards her mouth, and whomever is holding it has become her Mortal Enemy Number One.  While she loves her mommy, let's just say I'm usually on that particular list. I'm OK with that.

This particular day, after watching her lick her lips for the umpteenth time, I decided I needed to take action against these vicious chapped lips. Chapstick is my go-to, of course, but we don't have one for her. Yet. Armed with Chapstick in hand, I set out to do my task, and ensure my name on that daily list. She saw me coming. She's smart, don't ever let her fool you. She knows what's up. And she ran to her closet to hide. Not one to be discouraged that easily, I pursued relentlessly.

With her in her closet, and me standing and blocking her way to freedom, I knew this was my time. I came from above-- Blocked. From the right side-- Blocked again. Did you hear that? That banshee scream? That's my name going on her list. From the left side-- Nope.  I'm starting to come to the realization that I am on the losing end of this battle, and if I do not come up with something soon, I will surely walk away defeated; feeling guilty that her poor little lips are so uncomfortable. I can't have that.

With new found conviction, I re-evaluated my course. Confronting directly was getting me nowhere fast. The Princess was breaking me down, and she knew it. Suddenly, I was struck with a plan so brilliant, how could I not have thought of it before? Right there in my face even!

I sat back, proceeded to cake my lips with Chapstick-- I like Chapstick, don't get me wrong, but that much just feels gross.-- and the kissey monster emerged! Giving her the biggest closed mouthed kiss I could muster, I caked that Chapstick right on her. She laughed, she giggled! There was a huge smile on her face! I won! Her lips are moisturized. My biggest goal was fulfilled.

I wont say that the rest of our day was filled with rainbows and sunshine, as most days do at least have one
or two more bumps in the road. But, with my new ego boost,-- Can you blame me?-- and the Princess' comforted lips, we were a lot better off than we started. And that, my Lovelies, is the story of how our kissey monster game was created.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your stories. They are very touching and realistic, finding new ways to deal with a challenging moment are far and few between and I commend you for not giving up!


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