Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mostly Cloudy With a Chance of Showers

Hi there, Lovelies. I hope you are all out there enjoying this month of May. Spring time, it can mean many things to many people. For some, it's the start of beautiful weather; for others, it can mean allergy season. Weather wise, spring time can be unpredictable at times. One day, it's sunny and beautiful. The very next, it's a blustery cold, windy and rainy day.

Much like life, really. If you really look at it, life is just a series of ups and downs. Rich wonderfully warm moments of love one moment; cold and windy down turns the next. We keep drudging through the weather, hoping from one moment to the next that we have the proper accessories to tough it out.

From one day to the next, I can never predict how the day is going to go. The certainties are that I will wake up-- God willing-- take care of my children, change diapers, feed them, make sure they're loved, and go to bed. Wake up the next day and repeat. Some days are just pleasant. We all wake up in amazingly good moods, we play throughout the day. We laugh, we smile, we love.

Then there are days that start out like today. My head is throbbing, I'm hungry and tired. Quite frankly, I feel as if I hear a child yell one more time, my head will almost literally explode. I am up to my elbows in dirty diapers, diaper rash, and frankly; a very grumpy Princess. I have been kicked and hit more times than I can count today.

Also, it seems that it makes perfectly logical sense to go after a round toy with your foot by shoving your entire leg underneath the baby gate. Thus starts the cycle again once we are sufficiently frustrated at both the lack of being able to grab said toy and now you're stuck. Now, don't get me wrong. We've had some laughs today too. We've danced a bit, we've played. We've spun around in circles. Overall, it's not been terrible. But it's only noon, and it really can go either way.

I'm sure I'm not alone out there in the parenting world. We all weather out the storms. Wouldn't it be great if there was some kind of a forecast system in place to let you know what kind of day you were in for? Like, today for me the forecast would read: "Partially grumpy with a 70% chance of emotional outbursts."

I sure hope I have an umbrella.

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