Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Cold Bug Strikes Again

Hello again, Lovelies. Welcome back. September marks many things. The end of summer and summer vacation. Fall is on it's way in, and with that comes colorful leaves, cooler weather and the start of school. Which brings me to the next thing that September usually brings. The start of the cold and flu season. It's back in full swing in our home, and frankly this is why I hate this time of year.

Let me tell you about probably one of the worst days I've had so far. It all starts with a certain Princess starting to sound a little 'off'. She's drinking her cups a little slower, seems to be breathing through her mouth a little. Was that a sniffle I detected? The next day, I learned that yes, it was in fact a sniffle. Two days later, the Prince seems to be starting this same process. Flash to Sunday evening, everybody is trying to wind down for the night. The Princess is given her night time meds, the Prince even seems to go down early. I take this as a moment to get some extra shut eye myself.

At about 1:30am, I awaken to the Prince screaming his little heart out. He's happy to see me, I try to get him a bottle and a snack. He's calm and settles back down into bed. Again, I decide to do the same. 3:30am comes around, and same story. We actually repeat this process a few times over the course of the night. At about 7:30am, we're back at it, and I have to admit, I'm cranky. As I am cursing the husbands name-- Audibly to him, I'm to find out later.-- I step out of my bedroom onto the kitchen floor, and before I know it my feet are out from under me and I've landed-- Hard.-- on my side.

To say at that moment I felt like one of the kids is an understatement. In that moment, my actions are exactly what I have witnessed my children do: Lay stunned for a moment, shocked that this just happened. Once that feeling wore off, I cried. Yes, I surely did. The King then came out to find me on the floor, crying and both children crying as well. Once I got over the fact that I fell, I pulled myself off of the floor, assessed my own injuries, then continued on to take care of feeding the Princess.

I'd like to say that's where the story got less chaotic for me, but alas, I cannot. You see, both the Royals are sick, and now I am injured. The King has to go to work, so I did what I do best: push through and hope for a smooth day. Half of my goal came true. I did push through. At different points of the day, I was dealing with one or the other screaming. One's nose is running, the other can't breath, we need a new movie. If it wasn't one or the other, it was both.

The way the Prince was screaming most of the day, I'd swear the "man cold" is starting way early. Is that even possible? He's not quite 2 years old yet, and still he screams louder than his sister on this one. He wasn't eating, or drinking. Just stuffy and miserable. In a moment of frustration, after the umpteenth attempt to get him to eat on his own, I busted out a jar of baby food. For the first time since he has started eating table food, he opened his mouth and allowed me to feed him this puree.
For the first time in the house all day, there was peace. Unfortunately, this took me until about 4:00pm and countless baths and tears to figure it out. I'm not saying it all got better, it just got a little easier to deal with. When the King got home, I did have a second pair of hands to help, but we still had many moments of chaos.

Today, the Prince has eaten eggs, at least. So, he's feeling a bit better. The Princess is foregoing her usual two jars of food a sitting for one. Anything more just increases the reminder that her nose is stuffy. So while we are doing more feedings, she's at least still eating. I can tell she's feeling a bit better, but I have a feeling that as far as moods go, it's going to be a while before she's truly her happy go lucky self.
I'm healing too, still very stiff and bruised-- Which is made truly known when the Princess kicks the leg I landed on.-- but I'll survive.

On another note, I did receive a phone call yesterday about the Princess' medical diagnosis. It seems her referral was approved, and now we just need to make appointments and keep them. I'm so happy to see this forward movement in the process that I just can't seem to sit still. Or maybe that's the sick Royals. Either way, I will most definitely keep you, my Lovelies in the loop! Until next time, stay healthy!

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