Monday, August 12, 2013

The Princess Likes to Party

Hola, Lovelies! Today begins a new week, new challenges and successes. Hopefully your weeks are starting off well. The little royals are both still sleeping, so our week hasn't quite started yet. They'll be up soon enough, and it will be back to the grindstone. So now that I have a little bit of time, I thought I'd share how our weekend got started.

Friday night was like any other, both the Prince and the Princess were fighting bedtime. They've both become such night owls lately. We had been up and down a few times that evening, but by 1am all was quiet. It was time for the King and Queen to take leave to our chambers and get a nights rest in. OK really, the King was already snoring by this point, so I decided to join him. I slept pretty well, not a wake up all the way through. Or so I thought.

8 am Saturday morning rolled around and the house was quiet. I do my morning stretch, get up and head out of the bedroom to start the day. Not yet having coffee, or even opening my eyes for more than five minutes, I was not prepared for what I would stumble into. As I step out from my adjoining bathroom into my dining room, one of my cats starts meowing at me fiercely. This is normal for our day, it usually means she wants to be fed. That's when my eyes started processing what I was seeing.

Directly in front of me, our dining room and laundry room area was in shambles. Papers, my reading glasses, diapers and clothes scattered everywhere. To my left is our kitchen. My eyes scan that way. I'm in utter disbelief. Cupboards are open, the garbage is scattered on the floor: eggshells, coffee grounds, dirty diapers. The cat's food and water dishes are flipped upside down. Contents that were previously put away in the cupboards where scattered with the garbage. Complete and total chaos.

My first knee-jerk reaction was that it was cats. I was looking at the cat who was brave enough to show herself to me while I took in the sights. So sure that the only perpetrators to these vicious crimes of cleanliness was my two fur babies having HAD to run amok that night. As I'm starting to yell, "Stupid cats!"-- With a few more expletives thrown in there-- one other sight catches my eye.

The baby gate has been knocked over. As I make my way over to this latest development, I was cautious. When I get to the downed baby gate, I peek into the hallway to the left. There I spot a diaperless Princess sleeping on her bed. Two pieces of paper that were previously in the dining room were scattered around her. I put the baby gate back up and really make a closer inspection of the mess. Then I see it. The details that point to a Princess who had free reign of the house apparently while we slept. There's two of her favorite blocks on the floor, presumably in trade for something that she played with. There's the diaper in the middle of the mess which she decided to take off. Yep, our mastermind wasn't four legged. She was a three year old Princess.

As the mess was cleaned up, some thoughts came to mind. First, was what it must have been like for her when she decided to have a run with it. I imagine it was something like:
'I'm up! I'm bored. Where's Mommy and Daddy? Maybe if I kick at the gate a little. Hm, it fell down. Maybe if I check over here, no there not there. What about over here? Nope. Maybe if I do this, that will get them out. Sweet, I'm gonna play!'

Second, I'm so glad that the Princess doesn't have the instinct to put random things in her mouth. I imagine if it were the Prince, well I don't want to, because I know that he will have tasted most everything that he came into contact with. The thought makes me shudder.

Yet again one step behind the Princess, we installed some pieces to make the baby gate more secure to the wall so that there wont be anymore late night parties while we sleep. At least not until the teenage years. Until next time, Lovelies. Let us pray for no more late night parties.

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