Thursday, August 8, 2013


Bonjur, Lovelies! I hope so far your week is going well! Lately, the Prince has been hitting a lot of milestones and becoming more mobile than he already was. He is as adventurous as a little boy can get, and already working on giving mommy a heart attack. I was sitting around with a couple of my friends the other day, one of them a mommy herself. We were discussing the concept of "Kids will be kids. Accidents happen." To which I explained that my best plan of action is to learn and adjust. Then she asked me one of the best questions I've heard.

"Don't you ever feel like you should already know this by now, since you already have a child?"

Great question. It didn't take me much more than a second to respond with, "Nope."

The look of shock at my honesty made me smile. But that wasn't my goal. It was my real answer. I am in completely new territory. Aside from the differences of boys vs. girls, where boys are naturally supposed to be more adventurous than girls-- Which I'm not sure I believe that stereotypical nonsense.-- I'm still on an extreme learning curve. While all children are different and develop differently, the difference between autism and typical development are vast. The Princess was so content to stay where ever she was, that she didn't even crawl until after her first birthday.

With that came a lack of wanting to put things in her mouth, a lack of exploration that would normally put her in a more dangerous situation. She didn't stand until close to her second birthday, climbed shortly after. The Princess wouldn't take her first steps until she was two and a half. Sure, this puts her in the mobile adventurous category, though differently. The things with her that have ultimately made me worry are still different than what the Prince does now to make me worry.

One day, she decided to take the computer chair for a 'spin'. She was doing great, round and round and round she goes... Until she lost her grip. I was just on the other side of the baby gate, and while everything was OK in the end, that computer chair was taken out of her 'zone' and has remained that way ever since.
The Prince of course, is very different. He makes me second guess myself regularly. He's become quite an adept climber, and enjoys climbing anything he can. His favorites include: the couch, the coffee table and the Princess' bed. He's climbed onto the couch, fallen off and then right back up again. That's of course when he's not eating. I'm told these are pretty common behaviors in boys. I can't completely attest to that, other than watching my friends and their growing boys. I'm sure I'll learn soon enough.

So there you have it, folks. No matter how hard I try to be prepared for whats to come, I know I will always be learning and adjusting as I go. That's just my normal.

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