Friday, July 26, 2013

Actions Speak Louder

TGIF to all of my Lovelies out there! I hope those that are working aren't working too hard, and to those who get the day off, enjoy! If you're a stay at home mom like me, you're probably just hoping that this gateway day to the weekend goes so easily that it's like it's our weekend already. For me, the Royals are still sleeping-- Apparently, they wanted to sleep in today, I am not going to argue!-- So I'm doing what I can to entertain my time. I don't want to clean after all.

I know by now you all know that the Princess is non-verbal. This is part of who she is right now, and that's just all there is to it. It wont last forever, but for right now, it is a part of our existence. While there are definitely some things I wish she could say, like "Hey, Mommy! I pooped!" That would be a good one. Or maybe, "I love you, Mommy." That would be a GREAT one. It's funny, but you'd think that if she were non-verbal, we'd still be in that phase where Mom and Dad are trying to gauge the pitch of cry to what need. In reality, if you open your eyes too, you'd realize her actions speak far louder than words.

There are some actions that I still don't have answers for. For instance, why she takes off her diaper as frequently as she does, astounds me. If her diaper were always soiled when she did it, I'd say there's your answer. But we will sometimes take off diapers within mere minutes of putting a new one on. For the most part, though, we are starting to interpret most actions. If she stands just outside her bedroom door, she needs something. What that something is, well, your guess can be as good as mine. If she runs up to you, and looks you in the eye, throwing both hands in the air, this could mean one of two things. Either she wants a hug, or wants to be picked up. The only giveaway there is if you do one and she wanted the other. Watch your eardrums, Lovelies. She's gonna blow. Then, there are these beautiful actions that are so incredibly self explanatory, that you'd be crazy to miss.

Picture it: The Princess is standing in the hallway. She's got a toy in each hand. You pick her up and over the baby gate, set her back down and say "Go to your chair." And she's off! You watch as she runs through the kitchen, into the dining room, straight to her chair. Can you guess what this means? I'll give you a hint: She's hungry. As you round the corner with 2 jars of baby food in hand-- Because who could eat just one??-- She giggles and smiles telling you that you've gotten it right.

In those moments are my triumphs. At that moment, I've figured it out. I've taken the impossible and turned it into the possible! In my chaotic world, I often feel like I just fall short. I feel like I'm always two steps behind. That the moment I feel like I've got things figured out, it all comes crashing down around me, and I've got to pick up the pieces again. But then there's these triumphant moments that tell me if I keep plugging along, if I keep picking up the pieces, there will be fewer to pick up next time. And maybe, just maybe, at some point way way far in the future, there wont be any more pieces to pick up.

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