Friday, July 12, 2013

The Great Diaper Rebellion

Good morning, Lovelies! Happy Friday! I do sincerely apologize that it's been a while since I've updated. It's been both because I've had a severe case of writer's block and because the Royals have been keeping me incredibly busy. In fact, I've actually been trying to figure out a topic for a couple of days now. Here's a bit about my process.

Let's take yesterday, for example. Yesterday, I was seriously sitting down and thinking what to write about. As I considered my options, equally rejecting them as they came to mind, I started to think about my chore list for the day. "Hm, the kitchen floor really needs cleaning. Maybe I'll do that." Before I could start that task, of course, I have to throw a load of laundry in. Somewhere between sweeping and mopping, the Princess is running around alternating in giggles and cries. I get her a a sippy cup of milk, change her movie and her diaper. As I return to work, out of the corner of my eye, a flash streaks by in the hallway.

Oh dear, the Princess has taken off her diaper. Again. I grab her a new diaper and pants, and continue to my task. I've just finished sweeping the kitchen floor, as the Princess has alternately watched me, her movie and back to me. At this point, the Prince-- Ever the dead to the world sleeper-- is still sleeping in. I fill the sink with what is to become my mop water, and again from the corner of my eye, I see a giggling flash run by. Again? Yep, she's taken off the pants and the diaper. Yet again, I get a new diaper on  her, this time throwing a pair of training undies on over the diaper and then the pants. That should stop it for a while, right?

I sit back down, trying yet again to think of a good post for this blog. The topics fly through my head and get turned down just as quickly. Oh wait, the living room could use a vacuum. OK, that's my next task. What's that I hear? Oh, it's the Prince. He's awake. So I change his diaper and get him his morning bottle. Turn around, and look at that! The Princess has done it again! I don't think I need to tell you how wasteful it is to go through three diapers within a 30 min to 1 hour time frame. But it is. I digress.

After I've gotten her yet another diaper-- This time putting pants on her, as clearly the extra layer did nothing. -- I set out to my task of vacuuming. The Prince is not completely OK with the noise of the vacuum cleaner, and I'd love to know what he thinks this thing is. Some crazy dragon that's growling and wants to get him? I'm not sure, but it's clear from the look on his face-- I can't hear him over the vacuum-- that he is truly unhappy and he's created some sort of scenario where the vacuum is the monster, I'm sure. When the task is done, I have to assure him that everything is OK, and this really only takes a few minutes. He's a Mama's boy after all; so clearly I'm the all powerful, magical Momma in his world and if I say that every thing's alright, he believes me.

It's quiet in the Princess' room, so I walk in to make sure everything is OK there. I step on a blanket. It's wet. And it smells. The Princess is naked-- Really? I mean, how hard is it to keep a diaper on???-- time for a new diaper. Now laundry. I pull all blankets and sheets from the Princess' room, trying desperately to hold my breath as to not smell the fowl odor coming from this pile. Really, I'm trying not even think about WHY they smell.

That's how I spent the rest of my day, really. Doing laundry. I wouldn't have a problem with her going diaperless if she had better control of her bladder/bowels. She doesn't, so I've only found one solution that works to keep the diaper on, and that's to butcher her footie pajamas into a muscle top-footless style of pajama. The zipper keeps it all in, she hasn't figured those out yet. It's summer, however, so I do try not to use this option as much as possible. It's too warm! But alas, I'm thinking my water bill will go up way too exponentially at the rate I'm doing laundry.

Begrudgingly, I put her in these pajamas and it keeps the diaper on. I've now vowed that until the Princess is either potty trained, or she learns to be OK with wearing her diaper, that this is my solution. So I will keep these outfits on her and save myself the laundry. I already have enough of that to do, we are a family of four, after all!

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