Friday, April 26, 2013

Adventures With the Prince

Hi there, Lovelies! I've realized that I have shared a lot about the Princess, but not very much about the Prince. So today, I wanted to give him just a bit of a spot light. As you know, he's a typically developing one and a half year old. He's incredibly adventurous, and seems to look danger right in the eye and chuckle at it.

Now, while he is typically developing, he has been a bit delayed in the pulling to stand category. From what I understand, it is more likely that the younger sibling of an autistic child be delayed in some way. Not usually enough to fall on the spectrum, or even warrant early intervention. With all of that said, he has since become an adept stander, and has started to cruise.

Of course, his preferred method of getting around these days is to crawl. With this, gives him a new sense of freedom, and seems to get him into some interesting predicaments. For instance, I once found him between his crib and the wall-- Don't worry, there was plenty of room between, so he was OK.--  as he had crawled under. He's also getting much harder to contain these days.

Baby gates are a non-issue for him, as he can knock them down if they are not mounted to the wall. As of now, we use those big plastic tubs weighted down to block his way, though it wont work for long, since he's already realized he just needs to be able to push them out of the way. He just needs to gather the strength.

My personal favorite feat that he is working on is opening doors. That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the Prince is not walking yet, but he is trying to open doors! He just crawls up to the closed door, pulls himself to a stand and reaches for the doorknob. Yep, he's tall enough. With pulling a door open, it takes him a second to realize that when he's using said door to hold himself up; he is effectively keeping it closed. So he adjusts, tries again-- And Voila!-- he's opened the door.

His door opening skills have provided some entertainment, I wont lie. Most recently, actually. The King had just gotten home from work, and was rushing around the house getting more comfortable, and putting things away. I was in the Princess' room, changing her movie. The Prince was crawling around as usual, exploring his world. As the King went into the royal bedroom and closed the door behind him, the Prince came following.

I saw him pull to stand at the door, so I started narrating the situation; hoping to alert the King to the Prince's presence on the opposite side of the door. It went a little something like this:
"Be careful, he's standing on the other side of the door!"
"Oh, he's reaching for the doorknob, I think he's going to open the door!"

And in that exact moment, he pulled on the doorknob, with all of his weight pushing on the door, low and behold!-- The door opened!-- The Prince following after. Hands in the same position as they were when he opened the door-- Plop! Belly flop to the floor.

At this moment, the King apparently has just realized what's happened and asks:
"Did he just crawl, stand up and open the door?"
Yes dear, he did. I couldn't hold my laughter together at that point. I was in tears. The Prince was not, all was right in the world.

Well, looks like we'll be going out to purchase those special childproofing doorknob thingies-- Yes, that's my technical term for it.-- sometime in the near future. Until next time, my Lovelies. I hope you've laughed as hard as I have.

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