My little girl, I look at you
And think of all the things I want you to do.
But what I want doesn't matter.
I want you to eat,
I want you to speak.
But what I want doesn't matter.
What I desperately want to hear,
Three little words to sound so dear.
But what I want doesn't matter.
I want not to have such a stunning visual,
Of fits so ferocious they're downright abysmal.
But what I want doesn't matter.
As you grow older, the heights you will soar
The beauty, the adventure, I want you to explore.
But what I want doesn't matter.
As I sit here, and think of you;
I think of all the crazy things you put me through.
The love, the frustration, the highs and the lows;
The silly, the fussy, those fingers and toes.
I only want what's best for you,
I want you to take my love and share it too.
And I know that this may sound really sappy,
But all I want is that you are happy.
But what I want doesn't matter.