Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Confessional To My Princess

Bonjur, Lovelies. Today, I thought I'd sit down and jot a few thoughts to the Princess. And since I seem to be in a sharing mood lately-- hence the blog-- I thought I'd share it with you too.

To My Beautiful Princess,

First, I'd like to start this letting you know that I am blessed to know you. I'm so proud to say that I'm your mommy. Your adventurous nature keeps me on my toes, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Since you keep me on my toes, I thought you should know some of the things that I do to work around your lovely stubborn streak.

So you know that sippy of milk you get? How you wont drink anything but milk? I'm afraid to say, that's not the whole truth. You see, you can't live on milk. I know you want to, but it's not enough to keep your little body running properly. To keep you happy and to keep my mommy guilt level to a minimum, your cups of milk are mostly half water. I'm sure you've noticed the massive up-tick in diaper changes. That is the result of my actions. And though you can't tell me yet, I'm sure you've noticed maybe a lack of headaches. You seem to be happier in general.

Also, you know those nights where it's really late, and inexplicably immediately after drinking your milk, you feel sleepier? That's because per your doctors orders, there's a little melatonin in there. To be completely honest, it's not really often that happens, mommy usually resolves to wake up whenever you decide it's morning.

You know, while we're on the topic; since you usually do wake up so early in the morning-- Truth be told, I still consider 3 AM night time, and I really wish you'd see eye to eye with me on that.-- is it really necessary to yell at me BEFORE I've had my coffee? You might get a slightly less grumpy mommy.  I mean, I love you and I will continue to put your needs before mine, and this includes coffee. But at some point we need to compromise on what constitutes a reasonable waking hour. I'll throw out a starting point: to your 4 AM, I'll exchange it with 7 AM on school days and 10 AM all other days of the week? No? Well, you think about it and get back to me, would you?

I love you, my wonderful Princess. Remember these final things:

1) You are beautiful inside and out.

2) You are wise beyond your years.

3) You are absolutely brilliant. I've not seen somebody who can figure out how to melt my heart, and wrap me around their little finger quite as well as you.

4) Above all else, know that I am always on your side, by your side.  We may not always see eye to eye, but believe me, everything I do is out of love for you. I may mess up at times, but the underlying motivation is always there.

Love you always,


(PS: Stay tuned next time for the letter to the Prince)

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