Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Lost and Found

Ciao, Lovelies. I think it's fairly common knowledge that when it comes to kids, things get lost. Often. Sometimes never to be seen again. But if anybody is to find it, it's usually Mom.

I swear my children must have a little magpie in their lineage. They are so good at taking things and hiding them. Especially the Princess. I've made references to her "shopping trips" in the past, but I thought it might be fun to explore this just a bit further. Now what she shops for really ranges in item type. A favorite is keys, especially if she can get both Mommy and Daddy's sets. She'll hide them, so when the King needs to get to work, and they're nowhere to be found, our first place to look is in her room. We've found them under her bed, under toys, and a personal favorite; in her dresser drawer.

Another well honored favorite is shoes. Usually mine. Recently, my favorite staple pair of flip flops went missing. I didn't notice until we had plans, of course. The day of said plans, in fact. You see, we had plans to go to see a family friend and we don't have many opportunities to get out. Or rather, I don't. So I make sure to wake up early, so that I can successfully get the Prince and Princess ready, as well as the King and I-- OK, now I feel like I need to burst into song. As I am getting dressed, I flit to and from each child, get this one dressed, feed that one; I realize that the flip flops that are pivotal to my outfit-- and no, I am not changing at this point in the game-- are missing!

So now, I'm trying to search for my shoes, as the King is getting a little impatient to leave. I look in the living room, under the couch-- Nothing. Check the toy box. Success! One flip flop found! Only. One. Crap, now I have to find the other. Search the area around the toy box, and quickly discover that the other one is nowhere near. Check the dining room-- Nope. The Princess' room-- Not there either. All the while, I'm helping with finishing touches on the children. Check once more in the living room-- Hey, there's the King's shoe that he's been looking for! Not my shoe though. Check the my bedroom, in the closet-- I know, the most logical place for shoes-- and look at that, I found the bag of shoes for the Prince. Still not my shoe.

By now, I've given up any hope of finding the missing flip flop. And I definitely don't have time to change my outfit. So, I went with the only choice I had. Yes, I was THAT mother. You know the one. The mom with two different colored flip flops on. One black, one purple. I decided to go with my choice with pride-- Plus, I knew that once we got there, I'd be able to stay barefoot the majority of the time. So it wasn't an entire loss.

That was a couple of weeks ago, now. I just recently found the missing partner to my favorite pair of flip flops. About two days ago. Oddly, I only discovered it's location when the Princess had found it again first. Of course, she couldn't reach it and was throwing a massive fit.

Where was it, you ask? Behind the TV stand in living room, of course. In the living room the whole time. Of course. Well, looks like I've just added a new hiding place to check when things go missing.

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