Monday, April 15, 2013

"Quit Slamming That Door!"

Benvenuto, my Lovelies. As parents, we've grown accustomed to repeating phrases like they're going out of style. Sometimes phrases that we expect, sometimes ones we never even dreamed would come flying out of our mouths. Today, we're going to discuss one for me that as of lately, has been repeated far too often.

Before we get into the phrase itself and why it's on repeat, let me first share a little information about living with a child with autism.  Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are beings of routine, obsessions and repetitive behaviors. According to the National Autistic Society; "Repetitive behaviour may include arm- or hand-flapping, finger-flicking, rocking, jumping, spinning or twirling, head-banging and complex body movements. You may also see the repetitive use of an object, such as flicking a rubber band or twirling a piece of string, or repetitive activities involving the senses (such as repeatedly feeling a particular texture)."

Now what this means to me can mean so many things. It means that when the Princess is feeling particularly affectionate, I get lots of kisses. By that, I mean she runs up to me, allows me to give her a kiss and runs away-- rinse and repeat. She is particularly fond of spinning until I am dizzy from just watching her. It also means that the "normal toddler" things are on repeat. Playing with the spring door-stopper. Opening and closing drawers. And a personal favorite: Opening and closing doors.

So the phrase that's on repeat is one that most parents have uttered: "Quit slamming that door!" What's so different about this? Add one word to the phrase, and you'll understand.
"Quit slamming that closet door!"

Yes, you read that right: Closet door. No, our closet door isn't like any normal door, it's the type on a track that slides open and shut. The Princess loves to sit inside the closet, and continuously open and close it, revealing dark and light. She also loves the very loud *Thud* it makes.

The process usually starts simply enough. It's quiet, the Princess is playing by herself, the Prince is either self entertained, or napping. You hear that slight familiar sound of a door rolling on the track. It stops. It seems like a few minutes before you hear it again; only this time it ends with that familiar "Thud!"

I've thought of lots of solutions to the issue, none so far have panned out. I've tried blocking the closet. She found a way around it. I've tried redirecting her. That only works until she's gotten bored with whatever I used. I think my next step will be using her closet for storage. Maybe if it's inaccessible, she wont find it so entertaining.

At any rate, I've got to run. I'm starting to hear that very familiar sound...

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